Kickstart your journey

Kickstart your journey to the next exam session. Watch our study support video to navigate your next steps and learn about the support tools that will help you progress your studies.

Your Learning Journey

Additional exam session support

Get ahead sessions Online sessions with ACCA experts sharing their tips and techniques to get your exam preparation off to the best possible start
Exam focus webinarsLive webinar and Q&A for each exam where expert tutors will share techniques to maximise your marks including a focus on tricky topics
New mock exams Gear your studies towards taking a new mock exam and then debrief with new videos, both released in the final stages of exam preparation
InSession countdown emailsWeekly tailored emails that signpost the core support resources and activities that you should be completing each week as you count down to exam day
InSession LiveWeekly Instagram live slot with guest experts from all around ACCA
Progression supportFocussed support after results are released to help you maintain your progress or get back on track

Look out for full details in Student Accountant magazine and InSession once you've booked your exam.

Next steps